воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


Say thanks and help Skulbl4k4 continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. Remember to come back and post what you've printed as Make. No additional hardware needed SIM not included. Give a Shout Out If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag. Show Some Love Say thanks by giving Skulbl4k4 a tip and help them continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. meteobox

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Therefore it can replace your dedicated weather PC offering a much more stable, economic and efficient solution. Apps Used Customizer ThingApp. Say thanks by giving Skulbl4k4 a tip and help meteoboc continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community.

Using the following options: Production of 2 min video and publish it right after. Remember to come back and post what you've printed as Make. It is a intelligent voice assistant device aimed to assist elder people or patients in everyday routine.

MeteoCam Set consists of: Thing Statistics 31 Views. To post a Make, come back to this Thing and click Post a Make. You'll need a PayPal account to tip Skulbl4k4.

Remixed From Customizable everything box waterproof.

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Mirada asks for confirmation and sends to the caregiver by email or SMS what the patient or the elder replies. It's good for the designer and the community that means you!

Customized version of http: Contact us for a quote! The caregiver is notified if Mirada does not receive a response, if the user does not interact or there is no movement in the room for a long time.

Give meteoboxx Shout Out If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag.

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The MeteoBox records the data from the data logger, creates a data base and updates your weather page on the internet. Checkout You'll need a PayPal account to tip Skulbl4k4. Mirada starts communication with a "good morning" greeting and a briefing for the day's schedule.

No additional hardware needed SIM not included. Show Some Love - Tip Skulbl4k4. Click the button below and you will be neteobox to PayPal. It offers help to people with Alzheimer, physical disabilities, dementia, weakness of short-term memory and elder people in general informing the caregiver with email or SMS. The equipment could easily be mounted on a vehicle for mobile applications.

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If you print this Thing and display it in public proudly give attribution by printing and displaying this tag. Just plug it to the mains and it is ready to meteoboxx.

Accompanies the user by asking if he wants to listen to the radio or music starting the appropriate station.

Mirada is a unique solution developed and manufactured by Cybex. Suitable for sailing clubs, surf clubs, metoebox, marinas, air clubs, small airports, universities, municipalities, sports and events organizers, hotels, touristic sites, traffic surveillance, wind turbine installations, work-sites.

The MeteoCam Set is based on our unique Live Streaming MeteoCam by Cybex SA and includes all the necessary equipment for continuous live streaming of video and weather data to your page.


Once the payment is complete, you'll be brought back to Thingiverse. Show Some Love Say thanks by giving Skulbl4k4 a tip and help them continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. mereobox


Say thanks and help Skulbl4k4 continue to share amazing Things with the Thingiverse community. Summary Customized version of http: Midara connects to the Internet via Wifi.

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