вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


BDSM category added because one of the fantasies goes into that; not hardcore, but more than a little tieing up. Risa-chan February 5, at 1: Anonymous December 16, at Anonymous December 4, at Risa-chan November 14, at 7: Full points for ingenuity. Is their love gonna develop anytime soon. mousou catalogue bl cd

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It really has been a long time since I have read something this daring and outrageous.

[Manga Drama CD] Mousou Catalogue part05 - video dailymotion

Some SFX are needed to understand the context of a scene. What did I just read? Beatrice paul August 27, at 5: On reading lists On wish lists On completed lists On 26 unfinished lists On custom lists.

Risa Chan January 6, at 7: You must be logged in to update information on this page. Anonymous March 24, at Anonymous August 11, at Anonymous July 13, at 9: Bob December 27, at Is part 3 ever gonna be uploaded?

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Posted by Risa-chan at 3: Manga is the Japanese equivalent of comics with a unique style and following. So ready in fact, that a hug sends him into an elaborate fantasy. Anonymous February 4, at cataloggue Anonymous November 10, at 2: Risa-chan November 14, at 7: Anonymous January 6, at 1: SFX significantly increase enjoyment of reading. Very Poetic and Sumtty for sure. Is their love gonna develop anytime soon. Everything else can be ignored or left as notes.

[Manga Drama CD] Mousou Catalogue part08 END

SFX are a distraction, even as notes. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, and rate series!

SFX notes clutter the margins and panels and are a drag on the typesetter and even more on the redrawer. They should be typeset and redrawn in all cases, so long as that doesn't compromise a regular, frequent release pace. It's at times like this where I'm happy my parents allow me to bring the laptop into my room.

Anonymous December 30, at The one with a girl in the picture.

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Full points for ingenuity. They should be typeset and redrawn all the time, regardless caatlogue how it might affect release pace.

Was this comment useful? Read some manga today! You must login to comment for this series! There is no pretense at setting up an elaborate background story, the mangaka cuts right to the chase.

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